Cherry Toledo

The Girl that Learned at the Job and Worked Hard in School

Read up on Cherry Toledo’s life as a working student at McDonald’s.


Cherry Toledo came from a broken family in Cebu. When she was told that her aunt could no longer continue supporting her education because of other financial responsibilities, Cherry had no choice but to earn for herself so she could finish her schooling. While eating at McDonald’s, she found an ad looking for part-time employees. Cherry applied, knowing that McDonald’s would fit all her needs, especially as a working student.   

From just thinking of a job as a means to earn money, to realizing it was an extension of school where she could learn so much, Cherry grew as a person at McDonald’s in more ways than she could have expected. She was grateful for being able to work under bosses whom were understanding of her situation. They would let her change shifts if needed because of school.   

While she found her working student life to be difficult at first, she learned how to manage her time and be more present in both of her roles eventually. With discipline, Cherry was able to make use of the high working standards at McDonald’s to train herself with the same mindset at school. Through her job, she became more responsible, emphatic, and patient.    

This was proven true when she was able to graduate as the Magna Cum Laude of her class on top of her goal to finish her studies. Today, she still works at McDonald’s but with a wider view of herself, others, and the workplace.